KONGSHENG Rt 66 Diatonisch, gelbes und schwarzes Cover
KONGSHENG Rt 66 Diatonisch, gelbes und schwarzes Cover
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- đ ăKeramikabdeckung und ABS-Kamm in LebensmittelqualitĂ€tă: Umweltfreundlich und ungiftig, bestĂ€ndig gegen Verformung und Rost, mit stabiler Resonanz und zuverlĂ€ssiger Luftdichtheit.
- đ ăExquisites Aussehenă: 4,1 Zoll * 1,2 Zoll * 0,8 Zoll, AuĂendesign im Jazz-Stil, einfach und hochwertig. Die Harmonica nimmt ein geschwungenes, poliertes Design an, das dem KĂŒnstler ein besseres GefĂŒhl vermittelt.
- đ ăEinzigartiges grundlegendes 10-Ton-Designă: Praktisch fĂŒr AnfĂ€nger und Interpreten, um schnell loszulegen, die Atemumwandlung leicht zu erfassen und einen gleichmĂ€Ăigen Luftstrom aufrechtzuerhalten und perfekte StĂŒcke zu spielen.
- đ ăVerschiedene Musikstileă: Jazz kann perfekt mit Blues-, Folk-, Pop-Klassik-, Jazz-, Country- und Rockmusik umgehen und kann problemlos in verschiedenen AuffĂŒhrungsszenarien eingesetzt werden.
- đ ăHochwertiger Serviceă: Die Kongsheng Instrument Company hat sich seit jeher der Schaffung hochwertiger Obertöne, besserer Bedienung und kontinuierlicher Innovation verschrieben, um mehr und qualitativ hochwertigere Produkte anzubieten. Wann immer Sie auf Probleme stoĂen, stehen wir Ihnen fĂŒr immer zur Seite.
Teilenummer: Route 66
Modell: Route 66
I first purchased some of these harmonicas at the 2022 SPAH when the Route 66 Harmonica Club hosted the event in Tulsa (I am the president of that club). I have played the harmonicas and found them to be very comfortable, I like the ergonomics. I purchased a few more when I attended SPAH 2023 in St Louis. I completed my set with a purchase during SPAH 2024. The reed plates on one of the harmonicas were a little sharp but I was able to address that with my jewelers file. While I enjoy these harps, I really prefer the Kongsheng Soloist which I play more often. I find that I can get the overblows easily with this model. The Soloist is a good quality, midrange (price) harmonica.
I first purchased some of these harmonicas at the 2022 SPAH when the Route 66 Harmonica Club hosted the event in Tulsa (I am the president of that club). I have played the harmonicas and found them to be very comfortable, I like the ergonomics. I purchased a few more when I attended SPAH 2023 in St Louis. I completed my set with a purchase during SPAH 2024. The reed plates on one of the harmonicas were a little sharp but I was able to address that with my jewelers file. While I enjoy these harps, I really prefer the Kongsheng Soloist which I play more often. I find that I can get the overblows easily with this model. The Soloist is a good quality, midrange (price) harmonica.